The North Omaha Media Alliance (NOMA), which is made up of high school students and their advisers, observed the historic election and offered comments to The Omaha News.
Observations and commentary: Girls Inc. of Omaha
"Tonight is the night that we make history in theUnited States . Our world is in turmoil and in need. We cannot be lead by a man whose age out weighs his accomplishments. Obama would be a help to my family and the other middle class Americans. Joe Biden has more experience than Palin and McCain put together. McCain shows no humility, in my opinion; truthfully I think he wants his name to have immortality." -- Ciera, 16
"Today has been a very exciting day. All day I have sported my Obama shirt. Everywhere I looked I saw kids with their Obama shirts. Today will be a flashbulb memory, a memory you will remember for your whole life. One day I will tell my grandchildren about this day. Watching the results on T.V. is very frustrating. All the results either haven’t been reported or are too close to call. Who will be the next president????" -- Denai, 15
BellevueEast High School
"Today is a somewhat important day inAmerica . Today we line up out side wait for hours in order for us to have a chance to vote for whom we want to be our next president. Whether you chose the conventional Democrat or Republican candidates Barack Obama and John McCain respectively or less popular third party candidates such as Ron Paul or Ralph Nader or even write-ins such as Chuck Norris, the choice is entirely up to you. It’s great we live in a country where we may freely vote for whomever we want and have our voice heard. Watching the turnout on TV is exciting as we can see how the world votes live and keep up-to-date stats on who is winning where. I in particular favor no candidate; I blame some of my apathy on the fact that I have yet to reach voting age but perhaps I will gain even more interest during next election when I will be old enough to vote, So if Obama or McCain wishes to run for a second term I can help either keep them in or kick them out of office. But no matter whom wins I hope our next president will be able to lead our Nation to greatness and help pull us out of the shadows that we have currently begun to slip into." -- Ian, 15
"This night is very heart pounding. This election will change the lives of many including other future generations. At this moment, as I type, it is too early to tell on the future president of my country. If Barack Obama wins then I will be completely astonished and satisfied with our government. If John McCain wins then it will be a total OBAMAnation to all. Whoever leads us I wish them to apply peace and prosperity to our country. Obamaha , Nebraska" -- Ashley, 16
"Tonight is a night that I will never forget, in my heart I pray that Obama wins. No matter what happens history will be made. If Obama wins he will be the first African-American President. If John McCain wins he would be known asAmericas oldest President, and Sarah Palin would be the first female Vice-President. Truthfully in my heart I think that if McCain wins then the world would be completely be adulterated." -- Precious, 14
"Tonight is a night that I will never forget, in my heart I pray that Obama wins. No matter what happens history will be made. If Obama wins he will be the first African-American President. If John McCain wins he would be known as
"Tonight is the night that we make history in the
"Today has been a very exciting day. All day I have sported my Obama shirt. Everywhere I looked I saw kids with their Obama shirts. Today will be a flashbulb memory, a memory you will remember for your whole life. One day I will tell my grandchildren about this day. Watching the results on T.V. is very frustrating. All the results either haven’t been reported or are too close to call. Who will be the next president????" -- Denai, 15
"Today is a somewhat important day in